Say hello to the

The Midlife foodie Guide

Discover a new way to view food and health. This Guide provides delicious ways to balance your health & energy. 

Does This sound Familiar?

You struggle with bloating everyday and wonder if you need to chat with the GP.

Nothing in the closet seems to fit but you live in hope those nice dresses will still be of use this year.

When you think you have figured out what to eat it seems to still cause issues. (bloating, IBS, tiredness)

Your tired of sifting through Facebook pages, websites and Dr. Google for nutritional advice for midlife, perimenopause & menopause.

You might be considering HRT or a natural way to manage symptoms but you haven’t found any support which feels aligned with YOU.

Your getting tired of thinking ‘where did my metabolism go?’ In the past you could eat a few bad things without too much impact. But one little item now seems to go straight to the waist.


After supporting hundreds of women over the years to regain physical and emotional balance during perimenopause  The Midlife Foodie seemed like a secret I was keeping from my sisters! (that’s you)

What if there was an easier way to maintain a healthy weight, stop tiredness and balance hormonal shifts. But more importantly bring that sparkle back into your life?

Diets often don’t provide long term results. However, eating the right foods at the right time in the right way creates longterm transformation.

I’m 52 this year so I understand the metabolism plight. When I eat for my Goddess type (Amber) I feel great and look amazing.

I invite you to learn the tips that helped me! 

Here's How The Guide was Created


We are all unique, the food we choose to eat should be no different. Chinese medicine is based on treating the person not just symptoms. 


A strong metabolism, balanced hormones and great energy levels are intrinsically tied to the strength of the digestive system. Your will learn a few Chinese medicine concepts which are simple and to the point.



There is energy in every living thing as well as ourselves. Food & drink are no different. Welcome a deeper understanding of food energetics to balance your digestive system. The benefits are endless! 

Are you getting excited yet?


The Midlife Foodie E-Guide

A comprehensive e-guide to eat naturally without ever having to diet again.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside


You can forget diets, once you learn to eat for your Goddess type you'll never look back!

You’ll learn how to...

Choose food and drink to reduce perimenopausal symptoms


Plan meals with less stress


Find a new sense of calm


Be in drivers seat for your peri to pause journey


Understand your energy and how to nourish it


Feel inspired for the best years of your life

Ok, so how can i access The Midlife Foodie?

It's so easy! This 96 page guide is PDF based. Once you purchase you'll be sent a download link. PRESTO you can get started.


Client testimonials


This guide is the best investment in my health I've made in a long time. I have followed the advice for my goddess type and feel more balanced. No more bloating, no more low energy. A great value!


After seeing Kim for acupuncture treatments for irritability and night sweat she mentioned foods which would be beneficial to reduce my symptoms. I was really surprised with the outcome of shifting my food choices. This guide really helped me.


I'm on HRT and my weight gain was noticeable after 6 months. This guide really helped me to choose better foods to reduce my sugar cravings. I have lost ½ a stone!